September 17, 2014
Central Piedmont Community College Foundation Admin

In a recent interview, Chris Paynter, Dean of STEM at Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) told reporter Michele Nash-Hoff that part of the plan for achieving the College's vision "to be the national leader in workforce development" was the reorganization of the college divisions of Science, Information Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics under one Dean to support the growth of these four interrelated fields as a unit.
Dean Paynter said that CPCC provides up-to-date technical skills to the Charlotte region's workforce and employers. The CPCC Engineering Technologies Certification Center was created to assist this effort by providing proctored credentialing exams for nationally recognized third-party industry credentials, such as the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council, National Institute of Metalworking Skills, North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners, Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute, Siemens Mechatronic Systems Certification Program.
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Central Piedmont Community College Foundation
Central Piedmont Community College Foundation
Posted in Alumni, Announcements, Campus, Community, Events.