Make a Donation

Fill in the fields. Then click on Donate.  A red '*' indicates a required field. Your credit card will be charged in real time. The minimum amount that can be charged is $10.00. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

Questions? Please contact the Foundation at 704.330.6869.

Giving through your donor-advised fund? Check our list of frequently used funds to log in and request your grant.
Paying an invoice? Use our invoice payment form.

Gift Information

Please enter a gift amount in the box to the right of the area(s) you would like to support. The total will be calculated automatically. The minimum credit card amount that can be charged is $10.00.
Where Most Needed
Student Scholarships 
Instructional Programs 
Faculty/Staff Development
Emergency Fund
  $ 0
Make this gift a recurring gift?

Honor/Memorial Giving

My gift is  
Whom should we notify
Additional Gift Notes or Instructions

Please enter your Contact Information

Is this gift on behalf of an organization? *
Yes    No
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Mobile   Home   Work
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Your name as you wish it to appear in print
If Faculty/Staff at CPCC, please select campus. 

Please enter your Billing Information

We accept the following cards
Name on Card *
Card Number *
Card Expiration Date *
Card Verification Value (CVV) *
( what is this?)
Same as Contact Information
Billing Address *
City *
State *
Zip *

Employer Match Program

If the gift will be matched by your employer, please enter the company name:

Reference the Foundation's EIN #56-0890420 when making your matching gift request with your employer. If your spouse works for a matching gift company, you may also be eligible to apply for a matching gift.
(Find out if your company has a matching gift policy)

Additional Information

Legacy Giving

 I have already included Central Piedmont in my estate plans.
Would you like to cover the transaction processing fee?
Yes   No
Your Payment: $0
Processing Fee: $0
Total Payment: $0
$ 0