Central Piedmont Students Serve as Interns for Local Businesses

Gardhouse, a Charlotte nonprofit organization, is helping college students receive job experience through paid internships. Through a United Way of Greater Charlotte program, Gardhouse matches underrepresented students with local businesses to provide support for business operations while offering professional networking connections and a place to use classroom knowledge in real-world scenarios. Kaosisochi Duruanyim, a nursing student from Central Piedmont, is an intern with Gardhouse. He has been working with SchermCo, a national social impact implementation firm. Read more about Kaosi and Gardhouse via Spectrum News. Read more

Posted in Community, Foundation News, Resources, Students. Tagged as impact, internships.

Student Story: Jahmicah Miller

Jahmicah MillerIf Jahmicah Miller qualifies to sit for and passes the N.C. State Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors (BEEC) exam later this year, she could be the youngest licensed female electrician in the state of North Carolina.

How did Jahmicah accomplish so much within her area of interest in so little time? She took classes through the Rebuilding Opportunities in Construction (ROC) program which boasts a Career & College Promise pathway in construction technologies at Central Piedmont. As a result, she was able to simultaneously graduate from Philip O. Berry High School and complete the ROC program in May 2021 with 49 free college credits and valuable hands-on experience.

"The knowledge I gained through the ROC program gave me the confidence I needed to serve as an apprentice for a Charlotte area electrical contractor after high school graduation," she explains. "After completing the company's apprenticeship program in fall 2021, I earned two professional certificates in electrical technology. I decided to return to Central Piedmont - after receiving the Culbertson Endowed Scholarship - to complete my education and obtain my associate degree in electrical system technology. It was a logical next step; the college's student support system, resources, and instructors are simply extraordinary."

At Central Piedmont, Jahmicah is fulfilling her life-long dream of working in a profession that allows her to both work with her hands AND give back to the community. These two concepts are important to the 19-year-old, who decided to pursue a trade after Hurricane Maria impacted Puerto Rico in 2017.

"Originally I thought about studying physical therapy or sports medicine," says Jahmicah. "But after seeing the devastation Hurricane Maria caused, I decided to start taking trade classes to better prepare myself to help with disaster relief. Helping others is important to me."

The Charlotte native plans to graduate from Central Piedmont in spring 2023 and is appreciative of all the support the college has given her over the years. "I have bounced from home to home and school to school," she explains. "But Central Piedmont has been a constant in my life. This college has made my goals, its goals. It's unlike any other higher education institution, and I'm honored to be a part of its community."
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Posted in Alumni, Announcements, Students. Tagged as impact, studentstory.

Student Story: Jules Omakinda

Jules OmakindaJules Omakinda is a hardworking student who dreams of becoming a pilot one day.

Jules is currently pursuing his associate degree in cyber security at Central Piedmont Community College. "Central Piedmont has a positive reputation and offers many opportunities that students can take advantage of," says Jules. Jules enjoys feeling like he is a part of a community. As he explains it, "Central Piedmont is a place that truly feels like home, and I appreciate how the community works together to help me succeed in my career."

Jules knew as early as he could remember that he would like to be a pilot someday. For him, Central Piedmont is the ideal place to begin his aviation goals. As a result of his cyber security associate degree, he plans to attend another institution to obtain his master's degree in cyber security. His goal is to secure a high-paying job that will help him pay for aviation school.

One thing Jules would like anyone reading this to remember would be to, "keep your goals at the forefront of your mind and utilize all that Central Piedmont provides you to reach your next chapter in life."
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Posted in Alumni, Scholarships, Students. Tagged as impact, studentstory.

Student Story: Derrick Miller

Derrick MillerDerrick Miller is a first-generation student and a Merancas Technical Scholarship recipient who has a true passion for helping individuals with disabilities.

After spending years away from school and having three adult sons, Derrick was hesitant to return, but his passion overruled his trepidation, and he is now studying Human Services Technology, concentrating in Developmental Disabilities.

"In my meeting with Dr. Sherina Dubose Tilman, chair of the department, she was incredibly persuasive and encouraging. There was never any doubt in her mind that I would not succeed in this program," says Miller. While pursuing his AAS degree, he also obtained a Community Health Worker Certification (CHW) from Central Piedmont.

Derrick admires the professionalism of Central Piedmont's faculty. As he explains it, "The staff here have genuinely demonstrated that they care about the wellness and education of all students."

Derrick and his family faced financial difficulties during the pandemic. In the nick of time, he received an email informing him that he had been awarded the Merancas Technical Scholarship.

Miller's greatest joy is serving others. Central Piedmont has opened up countless opportunities for him, and he is extremely grateful for them.

"You can do it," says Derrick, echoing the words he was told at the beginning of his educational journey. "Taking advantage of Central Piedmont's resources and opportunities will help you succeed."
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Posted in Alumni, Announcements, Students. Tagged as impact, student highlights, studentstory.